New 2025 Dates Coming Soon!
Are you tired of feeling stuck?
Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, or insomnia?
Do you have body ailments that won’t go away, or chronic conditions such as migraines, digestion issues, or back pain?
Are you stalked by trauma-triggers and panic attacks?
Do you have difficulty in relationships? Is it difficult for you to speak up about how you feel?
Do you want to feel more seen and heard?
Are you stuck in looping thought patterns that land you in the same frustrating dynamic over and over again?
Do you feel like a victim to your own life?
Do you struggle with negative thoughts and self-talk that keeps you from loving and accepting yourself?
Is substance abuse or other addictive behaviors something you can’t seem to conquer?
Is there a person or situation that you can’t seem to forgive?
Do you feel trapped, like there’s no way out?
You landed on this page for a reason.
No matter what you’ve been through or how you feel right now, EVERYTHING and ANYTHING can change. Your past doesn’t have to mean anything about your future.
My name is Brooke, and I’m here to guide you out of trauma-land and away from body ailments.
Years ago, I experienced intense abuse — mental, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. At the time, I didn't know how to change my situation, how to speak up for myself, or how to deal with all the repercussions associated. I didn’t have the tools or the courage. Ultimately, I betrayed myself and my deepest knowings about my situation. I was afraid of the consequences, afraid of the future, afraid of what people would think, and afraid of the person I had become.
That cycle continued until one day, there was one life-altering moment where I decided enough was enough. Looking back, getting out of that situation was brave, but at the time it only felt like blind survival and terror.
I spent the next few years in full fight-or-flight mentality. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat because I had such a severe stomachache. I lost an unhealthy amount of weight. My hair fell out in clumps. Then I began having severe panic attacks that absolutely leveled me. I knew I needed help, but I didn’t know how to get it.
I became a master of distraction because every time I slowed down, I couldn't stop crying. I packed my weekends full of fun things to do—but in reality, I just didn’t want to be alone with myself or my thoughts.
I felt broken.
I felt unlovable.
I felt worthless.
I felt like I would never be enough.
I had no idea that my body was holding all of the memories from my trauma. My body was waving big, red flags for me to SLOW DOWN and FEEL, so that I could release the heaviness from my body to HEAL.
Out of desperation for something to bring me the peace I desperately craved, I went to a hot yoga class. As I contorted my body in the sweltering heat, holding positions and breathing, something inside me shifted. When I laid down at the end in savasana, the dam inside me broke and I sobbed and sobbed. I began practicing yoga obsessively. It was the only time in my day that I could get my mind to stop racing and my heart to calm. What I didn’t know then, was that I had tapped into a way for my body to process trauma. Yoga became my gateway into many healing modalities.
I had absolutely no intention of ever becoming a practitioner or teaching anything that I do now. I just wanted to make the pain stop. But once I finally felt better, I couldn’t shake the knowing that there were so many people out there who were suffering, feeling hopeless and trapped—just like I had. And I knew I could help them feel better.
In the Shamanic tradition, we create what we refer to as “healed maps,”or ways to help others.
The AMARA Map is mine.
I’m a practitioner of Shamanic energy medicine, a yoga instructor, Reiki healer, and a sound & frequency alchemist. My very favorite thing—and my mission in life—is to help people feel better. I do this in many forms: one-on-one sessions, corporate and private sound baths, REVERB Sensory Sound Ceremonies, and I speak at conferences and workshops about my tips, tools and techniques. However, the thing that lights me up the most is my AMARA Map soul family. The AMARA Map is a collection everything I learned from years of extensive practitioner trainings in many modalities, all my experiences with my clients, hundreds of books and podcasts about how to heal from trauma, as well as my own intuitive guidance that was gifted to me for this transformative program.
Inside the AMARA Map, you receive:
Lifetime Membership to the AMARA Map Soul Fam
Weekly Group Coaching Calls that offer a safe container to process whatever comes up for you during the week
Weekly guided somatic practices on the live calls—mediation, breathwork, shamanic drumming, soundbaths, EFT tapping, yoga etc.
Video modules (over 15 hours), integration worksheets, PDFs & access to all future updates
Access to previously recorded live coaching calls (over 26 hours)
Somatic videos to help you understand what your body is telling you
Private Facebook Community with all AMARA Soul Fam members
Supportive list of additional book & podcast resources
The recorded video modules begin with a Groundwork Section, followed by three Intensives that house all the modules. Each Intensive guides you through its own “feeling evolution process,” and has journal prompts. We finish up with the Continued Integration section that provides tips on how to stay involved and/or loop back in with the AMARA Map whenever you feel the nudge.
Inside the Modules
Groundwork Intensive
Foundational course groundwork that includes your energy body anatomy and the power of breath. Learn how to live your life in a way that recycles your life force energy instead of depleting it.
Abyss Recovery Intensive
From Drowning to Calm
Learn about trauma, how the body keeps the score, and a technique to tap into the language of your body. Begin to shift your mindset about body ailments into messages that can be decoded to reveal what your body needs in order to heal. Learn how to take your power back from any situation. Develop the ability to find your inner diamond, or the hidden lesson, from any tough situation. Assess exactly where you are in your life and where you want to go. Learn how to stop looping inside your “story,” and change the narrative. Understand the toxic relationship between victim, antagonizer, and rescuer; then gain tools to avoid getting stuck in one of those positions. Discover somatic practices and tools to help you calm your nervous system in times of anxiety or stress. Receive resources and tools for when you feel triggered.
Masquerade Liberation
From Limited to Boundless
Deep dive into all the ways you identify and how it subconsciously affects everything. Learn the various parts of your inner-self and bring light to those pieces you’d rather keep hidden. Break down limiting beliefs, though patterns that are based on conditioning or belief systems. Unravel anything that’s been subconsciously programmed, indoctrinated or just assumed as normal because of where you were born, your race, ethnicity, gender, parenting, religion, ethics, sexual orientation, and other conditioning. Assess where your beliefs originate from, learn how to understand if they are truly your own, and what to do if they’re not. Discover patterns that are being mirrored back to you in your life. Ignite your inner Shaman, meaning—how to live in communion with the elements, nature, and things unseen. Meet your personal power animal who will offer messages to help you on your journey.
Alchemize Intensive
From Wounded to Empowered
Release old patterns and decisions that are no longer in your best interest. Develop a deep practice of self-acceptance, full body appreciation, and true self-love. Understand the foundation of manifestation and what can block you from getting what you want. Learn the unparalleled power of forgiveness—of both self and others. Develop ways to navigate tough relationship issues without blame from an empowered place. Alchemize all the heavy energy you carry in your body from trauma into something positive and empowering. Align with your unique soul mission and begin to resonate on that frequency.
Continued Integration
How to continually to utilize all of the tools inside the AMARA Map. Continued support through the years with the live coaching calls. When to loop back in to a particular module as new issues arise. How to stay connected with your Soul Fam. Invitation into the AMARA Portal.

Power Animal Guides & Feeling Evolution of Each Intensive
Abyss Recovery
From Drowning to Calm
Masquerade Liberation
From Limited to Boundless
From Hiding to Expressive
What People Are Saying What People Are Saying
What People Are Saying What People Are Saying
Alexis F.
Michelle C.
Darin C.
When are the weekly live video calls?
We will meet together via Zoom every Thursday at 12pm MST for about an hour, beginning September 7th and finishing up November 16th, for a total of 12 live calls. You are more than welcome to loop back in for additional coaching with any future collectives. I recommend you try to be on as many of the live calls as possible because this is where so much of the magic happens. If you absolutely cannot be on, you can watch the recordings to keep pace with everyone. You also have the facebook group where you an interact with your soul fam any time.
What’s the difference between The AMARA Map and the AMARA Portal? How do I know which one is best for me?
The AMARA Map and the AMARA Portal each have their own focus and energetic signature. The AMARA Map runs three times a year for 12 weeks and the AMARA Portal runs two times a year for 8 weeks. You can always loop back in with future season collectives.
The AMARA Map is geared towards people who want to let go of whatever is keeping you stuck or stagnant. You’re often dealing with anxiety, depression, triggers and body ailments that are a result of stress and/or trauma.
The AMARA Portal is geared toward people who are ready to level-up and expand. Either you’ve already done a portion of your healing work and have tools to navigate the ups and downs of life, or you’re at a point where you’re feeling pretty good—and now you have a deep desire for more.
Do you have to join the AMARA Map before you can become a member of the AMARA Portal?
Nope! They are independent courses and you can be a member of one or the other, or both!
Do you offer a discount to purchase both programs at the same time?
Yes. If you decide to purchase the AMARA Map and the AMARA Portal at the same time (Map first and the Portal after), you can experience the full AMARA Immersion for a reduced price of $3,888 (you save $555).
What if I’ve never done anything like this before?
That’s totally fine! Congrats on owning your healing journey and for taking the initiative to find resources. You’ll be in good company because this program is completely unique. No matter where you are in your healing journey, there will be new ways of thinking, new paradigms, and new daily experiences that support a continual learning process. Additionally, the community is a big part of this experience, so you will learn from your AMARA Soul Fam as you watch them workshop issues with me, and as you interact with one another.
What if I’ve been on my healing path for years? Is this program for me?
Absolutely! If you‘ve been at this for a while, you know healing is NOT linear. It’s not a destination—it’s a practice. We continue to peel back layers as we go. Sometimes it can feel frustrating because you think you’ve “healed” all the way from something, only to have it pop up again.
Lasting healing begins with a regulation of your nervous system. It begins with understanding what your body is trying to tell you. Once you have the tools to keep yourself calm and regulated, your body will allow you to process and understand things differently. Then when that same issue comes up again, you’re able to handle it in a new way. You’ll be able to tackle it from an evaluated starting point—and this time you’ll have more tools and support.
I love this idea, but I’m super busy and I don’t know if I can commit right now.
I completely understand. Life is busy! This experience is built in a way that offers a supportive structure for everyone, no matter what your schedule is like. All of the live calls are recorded, so you can catch a replay in a time that works for you. You can watch the modules at your own pace. On our launch day, you’ll receive full access to all the modules and prior recordings, so you can work everything around your schedule. Since the AMARA Map is a lifetime membership, you can also jump back for coaching on live calls with future season collectives whenever you’d like.
That being said, ideally this program is intended for people who are ready and eager to dive-in to make shifts necessary for release. Honor where you are in your journey and do what feels right to you.
The Winter Collective of the AMARA Map will begin in January of 2024. If you have further questions you can schedule a discovery call with me here to help you decide.
What is your refund policy?
While I do not believe that you will want a refund, I want you to feel 100% confident in this exchange. When you join, you’ll receive access to the Intro Intensives, Modules, Worksheets and PDFs. You are welcome to take a lookie-loo, and if for some reason it doesn’t resonate with you, send me an email within 24 hours and you will receive a refund.
Do you have payment plans available?
Absolutely! I want this course to be accessible to as many people as possible. You can pay in full up front, or choose to finance it over eleven monthly payments.
You can also elect to purchase both the AMARA Map and the AMARA Portal at the same time for a discount of $555.
Why is it called the AMARA Map?
I named this program The AMARA Map after I received a very personal download about the name. I created each Intensive to fit the acronym A.M.A.R.A., as a way to deepen my connection to the name, along with everything it represents to me.
In the summer of 2023, I made the decision to expand the program into two parts—The AMARA Map, and the AMRARA Portal, but I kept the names of the Intensives the same.
A | Abyss Recovery (inside AMARA Map)
M | Masquerade Liberation (inside AMARA Map)
A | Alchemize (inside AMARA Map)
R | Resonance (now inside AMARA Portal)
A | Align Soul Frequency (now inside AMARA Portal)
How can I get to know you more?
You can follow me on social media, @healwithbrooke. I love connecting, so be sure to comment or send me a DM! I’m the most active on Instagram, so that’s your best bet.
I live at the base of the Wasatch Mountains in Millcreek, Utah, and I host events regularly. Check out my REVERB Instagram and follow for upcoming events!
On a personal level, I love spending time with friends and family. Witty banter is my love language. If I was stranded on an island and could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would be chips and salsa. I’ve been a pescatarian since 2010 . . . and sushi is my favorite dining-out meal. My nails are always painted—if you see me without nail polish, something is wrong. I’m the oldest of six siblings and I’m good friends with all of them. I have three step-daughters (who I just consider my daughters), and two adorable, rambunctious & emotionally intelligent little boys. I am a crazy cat lady, as I have three kitties who are brothers—Siamese Ragdoll mix & I’m obsessed with them. I also have a python named Sacha and a Beta Fish named Alpha. I love live concerts, anything outside, and I try to stop whatever I’m doing to catch a sunset. I’m a sucker for red wine and late night, deep, convo with those I love.
What if I still have a question?
Send me a message, and I’ll be happy to answer your specific question!
WHY I Do What I Do . . .
When are the weekly live video calls?
We will meet together via Zoom every Thursday at 12pm MST for about an hour, beginning September 7th and finishing up November 16th, for a total of 12 live calls. You are more than welcome to loop back in for additional coaching with any future collectives. I recommend you try to be on as many of the live calls as possible because this is where so much of the magic happens. If you absolutely cannot be on, you can watch the recordings to keep pace with everyone. You also have the facebook group where you an interact with your soul fam any time.
What’s the difference between The AMARA Map and the AMARA Portal? How do I know which one is best for me?
The AMARA Map and the AMARA Portal each have their own focus and energetic signature. The AMARA Map runs three times a year for 12 weeks and the AMARA Portal runs two times a year for 8 weeks. You can always loop back in with future season collectives.
The AMARA Map is geared towards people who want to let go of whatever is keeping you stuck or stagnant. You’re often dealing with anxiety, depression, triggers and body ailments that are a result of stress and/or trauma.
The AMARA Portal is geared toward people who are ready to level-up and expand. Either you’ve already done a portion of your healing work and have tools to navigate the ups and downs of life, or you’re at a point where you’re feeling pretty good—and now you have a deep desire for more.
Do you have to join the AMARA Map before you can become a member of the AMARA Portal?
Nope! They are independent courses and you can be a member of one or the other, or both!
Do you offer a discount to purchase both programs at the same time?
Yes. If you decide to purchase the AMARA Map and the AMARA Portal at the same time (Map first and the Portal after), you can experience the full AMARA Immersion for a reduced price of $3,888 (you save $555).
What if I’ve never done anything like this before?
That’s totally fine! Congrats on owning your healing journey and for taking the initiative to find resources. You’ll be in good company because this program is completely unique. No matter where you are in your healing journey, there will be new ways of thinking, new paradigms, and new daily experiences that support a continual learning process. Additionally, the community is a big part of this experience, so you will learn from your AMARA Soul Fam as you watch them workshop issues with me, and as you interact with one another.
What if I’ve been on my healing path for years? Is this program for me?
Absolutely! If you‘ve been at this for a while, you know healing is NOT linear. It’s not a destination—it’s a practice. We continue to peel back layers as we go. Sometimes it can feel frustrating because you think you’ve “healed” all the way from something, only to have it pop up again.
Lasting healing begins with a regulation of your nervous system. It begins with understanding what your body is trying to tell you. Once you have the tools to keep yourself calm and regulated, your body will allow you to process and understand things differently. Then when that same issue comes up again, you’re able to handle it in a new way. You’ll be able to tackle it from an evaluated starting point—and this time you’ll have more tools and support.
I love this idea, but I’m super busy and I don’t know if I can commit right now.
I completely understand. Life is busy! This experience is built in a way that offers a supportive structure for everyone, no matter what your schedule is like. All of the live calls are recorded, so you can catch a replay in a time that works for you. You can watch the modules at your own pace. On our launch day, you’ll receive full access to all the modules and prior recordings, so you can work everything around your schedule. Since the AMARA Map is a lifetime membership, you can also jump back for coaching on live calls with future season collectives whenever you’d like.
That being said, ideally this program is intended for people who are ready and eager to dive-in to make shifts necessary for release. Honor where you are in your journey and do what feels right to you.
The Winter Collective of the AMARA Map will begin in January of 2024. If you have further questions you can schedule a discovery call with me here to help you decide.
What is your refund policy?
While I do not believe that you will want a refund, I want you to feel 100% confident in this exchange. When you join, you’ll receive access to the Intro Intensives, Modules, Worksheets and PDFs. You are welcome to take a lookie-loo, and if for some reason it doesn’t resonate with you, send me an email within 24 hours and you will receive a refund.
Do you have payment plans available?
Absolutely! I want this course to be accessible to as many people as possible. You can pay in full up front, or choose to finance it over eleven monthly payments.
You can also elect to purchase both the AMARA Map and the AMARA Portal at the same time for a discount of $555.
Why is it called the AMARA Map?
I named this program The AMARA Map after I received a very personal download about the name. I created each Intensive to fit the acronym A.M.A.R.A., as a way to deepen my connection to the name, along with everything it represents to me.
In the summer of 2023, I made the decision to expand the program into two parts—The AMARA Map, and the AMRARA Portal, but I kept the names of the Intensives the same.
A | Abyss Recovery (inside AMARA Map)
M | Masquerade Liberation (inside AMARA Map)
A | Alchemize (inside AMARA Map)
R | Resonance (now inside AMARA Portal)
A | Align Soul Frequency (now inside AMARA Portal)
How can I get to know you more?
You can follow me on social media, @healwithbrooke. I love connecting, so be sure to comment or send me a DM! I’m the most active on Instagram, so that’s your best bet.
I live at the base of the Wasatch Mountains in Millcreek, Utah, and I host events regularly. Check out my REVERB Instagram and follow for upcoming events!
On a personal level, I love spending time with friends and family. Witty banter is my love language. If I was stranded on an island and could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would be chips and salsa. I’ve been a pescatarian since 2010 . . . and sushi is my favorite dining-out meal. My nails are always painted—if you see me without nail polish, something is wrong. I’m the oldest of six siblings and I’m good friends with all of them. I have three step-daughters (who I just consider my daughters), and two adorable, rambunctious & emotionally intelligent little boys. I am a crazy cat lady, as I have three kitties who are brothers—Siamese Ragdoll mix & I’m obsessed with them. I also have a python named Sacha and a Beta Fish named Alpha. I love live concerts, anything outside, and I try to stop whatever I’m doing to catch a sunset. I’m a sucker for red wine and late night, deep, convo with those I love.
What if I still have a question?
Send me a message, and I’ll be happy to answer your specific question!
WHY I Do What I Do . . .
GET UNSTUCK -Lifetime Access Membership -12 live weekly video coaching calls & previous recordings (over 26 hours) -Somatic Practices (guided meditations, breathwork, Shamanic journeys, sound baths, yoga, etc. -Video Instruction Modules (over 18 hours), integrations worksheets, PDFs, journal prompts, supportive book list & all future updates or additions -Energetic support for processing -Private Facebook Group with Soul Fam
Registration is OPEN!
Registration will remain open until FRIDAY, September 1st at 12pm MST.
***AMARA Full Immersion Option
Save $555
You can purchase both the AMARA Map and the AMARA Portal at the same time for a discount. To get the most out of this option, you will go through the AMARA Map first and then the AMARA Portal.
1 Payment - $3,888
11 payments - $388.50